News Blogs

In our second installment of the series we take a look at Nodal Analysis for technicians. Nodal analysis is a means of determining the voltage present at a node of interest with respect to a specified reference point. Many technicians have difficulties creating valid Ohm’s Law representations for the KCL (Kirchhoff’s Current Law) node equations when trying to perform this type of circuit analysis.
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Today’s discussion focuses on Euler’s number and the utility of the related natural logarithm or “ln” function as they pertain to technician level circuit analysis. Once we have discussed the nature of Euler’s number and the related base “e” natural log function, we will move on to take a look at an example of their practical application for technicians when performing circuit analysis tasks.
What is Euler’s Number ?
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Are you a graduate of the Electronics (ET) Technician Certificate program? Have you considered continuing your technical training further to propel your career? As a GBC Electronics graduate you are eligible for exemptions in the Electromechanical Technician (EM) certificate program.
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Over the next decade, around 3.5 million US manufacturing jobs will need to be filled, as many skilled workers from the baby boomer generation plan to retire in the next few years. The industry’s workforce is aging at a faster than normal rate—and what’s more, the skills required to do their jobs will be substantially different than the skills currently prevalent in the younger workforce.
Read MoreThese days, there’s evidently no shortage of creative ideas capable of fulfilling one of society’s many needs. For proof, one needs only to look around and take note of the rising number of small businesses and startups admiringly contending with large, multinational conglomerates, carving out niche market and delivering some truly remarkable products and services.
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Is Big Data Going to Unlock the Potential of IIoT? The Internet of Things (IoT) has already shown the world its potential, allowing network connectivity between devices and appliances that under normal circumstances wouldn’t be able to communicate intelligently with one another. To the layperson, the IoT can be used to simplify their daily lives, like owning a refrigerator that can send updates to a mobile device as to its depleting contents.
Read MoreResidents in Canada generally abhor a drop in value of the nation’s currency, largely because of it reduces buying power on shopping trips south of the 49th parallel or when travelling abroad. The reality is, as a country with a relatively low population, a slightly devalued currency is vital for businesses to remain competitive both domestically and internationally.
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