George Brown College Accreditation
George Brown College (GBC) is a fully-accredited post-secondary institution, and has established a reputation for equipping students with the skills, industry experience and credentials to pursue the careers of their choice. GBC offers over 300 programs across a wide variety of professions. Students can earn certificates, diplomas, industry accreditations, and undergraduate degrees.
GBC is the third largest provider of distance education courses in North America. With over 70,000 full- and part-time students, GBC has 3 main campuses in Toronto, Canada and has established a virtual campus to provide on-line support to over 15,000 distance education students in 40 countries. GBC’s virtual campus provides online learners with many of the same support services offered through in-class, on-campus study including technical and tutorial support, testing and assessment, and employment postings.
The GBC School of Distance Education (SDE), framed by its own mission and values, was formed in 2014 in response to the significant increase in enrolment in distance education courses and programs within the Centre for Continuous Learning and in recognition of the unique challenges associated with supporting thousands of online students in different international time zones and in supporting the unique needs associated with asynchronous learning.
GBC is operating under the authority of the Ministry of Colleges and Universities (MCU) in the Province of Ontario. The College received its Charter in 1967. All certificates, diplomas, and degrees conferred by George Brown College are done so under the power vested in its Board of Governors through the Government of Ontario.
GBC is a member of Colleges and Institutes Canada which is a national organization consisting of over 200 post-secondary institutions. GBC is also a member of Polytechnics Canada which is an association of publicly funded Canadian polytechnics, colleges and institutes of technology dedicated to helping colleges and industry create jobs for tomorrow.