Apprentice Electricians : 5 Reasons to take the Electronics and Electromechanical Technician Certificate Programs

November 26, 2024

Are you considering starting your electrician apprenticeship? In this article we will examine the five ways in which the Electronics and Electromechanical Technician Certificate programs, offered from George Brown College (GBC), can provide you with meaningful advantages to help with the successful completion of the “in-class” requirement for an electrician apprentice certification.  These advantages include:

1: Curriculum overlap

Master what is generally the same electrical theory needed to meet the “in-class” apprenticeship requirements at the appropriate technical level before ever stepping into the classroom.

2: Self-paced, flexible delivery format

The Electronics and Electromechanical Technician certificate courses are self-paced and delivered via multimedia course materials combined with additional online resources and exams. That means you can start at your convenience, organize and shift your study time around your work schedule and finish at your own pace.

3: Simulation and schematic capture tools

Both the Electronics and Electromechanical Technician certificate courses include simulation tools allowing for circuit simulation and analysis that will reinforce the curriculums theoretical concepts.

4: Gain confidence through experimentation 

The virtual labs powered by cutting-edge simulation software provide real-world, hands-on training. Students can build and experiment with circuit designs without fear of injury or damage to lab equipment.

5: Competitive advantage

Gain a competitive advantage while seeking an apprenticeship position, and achieve good grades by being prepared before you even set foot in the classroom.

Let us take a moment to look at each of these advantages in a bit more detail:


1. Curriculum overlap:
Most of the materials covered by the “840 hour in class” requirement (approximately 10% of the overall 9000 hours) required to become a certified electrician in Ontario are delivered in either of the Electronics or Electromechanical technician certificate courses.  Apart from regional electrical code requirements, regional maintenance and installation requirements, and general ethical code requirements, the subject matter contained in either of the technician certificate courses is largely the same as that of the in-class requirement provided in the four levels of the “curriculum training standards” used for the electrician apprenticeship certification process.  Generally, the same electrical concepts are delivered and explored with the same level of detail.  Electrical basics like voltage, current, resistance and impedance are covered.  Semiconductors, transducers, transformers, AC and DC motors, common schematic symbols, single and three phase power, series, parallel, and mixed circuit topologies along with many other related topics are covered in Electronics or Electromechanical technician certificate courses as well as the electrician apprenticeship in-class curriculum.  

The appropriate technician certificate course that would most likely be of interest depends on the type of electrician apprenticeship that is being pursued.   (Industrial vs Domestic and Rural vs Construction and Maintenance) While the first three levels of the in-class apprenticeship requirements contain common core subjects, level four curriculum topics vary depending on the type of apprentice electrician certification desired. For example, the Electromechanical technician certificate program would be better suited to the pursuit of the Industrial electrician apprenticeship certification.  In contrast, the Electronics technician certificate program would be more suitable for the Domestic and Rural electrician or the Construction and Maintenance electrician apprenticeship certifications.
Some programs do reduce the contract of apprenticeship in recognition for post-secondary education courses. These are reviewed on an individual case-by-case basis. 

2. Self-paced format:
One of the biggest advantages of the GBC technician certificate programs is that they are delivered in a multimedia rich, self-paced, home study format.  In addition to web-based downloadable course materials that utilize audio, video, and text base course content, access to additional online resources is provided. These elements provide an immersive learning experience with the flexibility to work through content at your own pace. Randomized practice exams are provided and can be taken repeatedly to ensure and confirm that the desired level of understanding has been accomplished. The ability to do these programs outside of work hours can allow an aspiring apprentice electrician to get a head start on most of the theory required, while still working and putting in work hours.  

An aspiring electrician can hit the ground running when it is time to take care of the in-class apprenticeship requirements.  The four levels of the “curriculum training standards” used for the electrician apprenticeship will be mostly review, with only some regionally specific topics remaining to be covered, most of which would relate to standards and norms and electrical code.

3. Simulation tools
The inclusion of schematic capture and circuit simulation tools provides a significant advantage for any aspiring apprentice electrician.  The ability to build and test circuits without danger of damage or harm to a person and equipment is incredibly valuable.  Topics covered in theory can be realized using the circuit simulation tools. These tools allow you to build, run, and analyze the performance of any of the circuits introduced in theory.  Circuit parameters can be examined independently using DC operating point and AC transient analysis. Virtual instruments allow you to test and analyze the circuits and concepts in detail, again, at your own pace, and outside of working hours. You keep your licensed copy of the simulation software, granting you unlimited access to all program materials even after graduation. These simulation tools have continued utility going forward as an apprentice electrician as a scratch pad design tool for any future circuit application requirements.

4. Experimentation and repetition
The ability to build circuits using an extensive library of circuit elements that could not easily be acquired physically is of great advantage. In addition, the ability to modify the parameters of many of the circuit elements will add depth of understanding to any of the circuits and circuit concepts covered.  Modifying circuit parameters and obtaining immediate feedback on the effects of the various parameter changes helps to provide a visual connection between the theory and practical implementation of electrical concepts.  Additional familiarity with the simulation tool will unlock advanced analysis tools providing for batch runs, worst case analysis, and other insights into circuit operation.  Being able to just try things without fear of repercussions (virtually) is a great advantage when trying to learn new topics.

5. Competitive advantage
It goes without saying that if you have completed the Electronics or Electromechanical Technician certificate program, you will have a competitive advantage over those seeking apprenticeship opportunities who do not have these certificate courses under their belt.  It is important to emphasize that you will continue to benefit from taking either of these courses well beyond getting your foot in the door.  These programs can be particularly advantageous in setting an aspiring electrician apprenticeship applicant apart from the group.  When the time comes to do the in-class requirements, demonstrating a high level of proficiency with the topics and materials covered will go a long way to instill confidence in both the applicant and their sponsor. Everyone wants to see good grades.

In conclusion, aspiring apprentice electricians can get a jump start on their in-class requirement by taking either the Electronics or the Electromechanical Technician Certificate program.  These courses will prepare you for all the electrical theory you will need and provide you with tools and skills to ensure success with your in-class requirements. You will have a good working knowledge of the required standard curriculum before setting foot in the classroom.  The delivery format for these courses allows an aspiring apprentice electrician to take these courses while working full time hours at their own pace.  

To find out more about all of the Electronics or Electromechanical Technician certificate programs contact a Program Consultant toll-free at 1-888-553-5333.


Submitted by Andreduncon29@… (not verified) on Wed, 11/27/2024 - 23:31

Am interested in becoming a technician.

Submitted by hazna on Thu, 11/28/2024 - 10:11


Thank you for your interest in the online Technician Certificate programs from George Brown College.

For further information please call a Program Consultant toll-free at 1-888-553-5333.


Submitted by Paul Blay Miezah (not verified) on Thu, 01/02/2025 - 16:54

Iam a electrician by profession, back home in Ghana, due to lack of license to work in Canada, I want to know if I can be enroll in your outfit as an apprentice electrician or industrial electrician. Thank you, Paul

Submitted by Iris on Fri, 01/03/2025 - 08:08

Paul, Our Electronics Technician program can provide you with meaningful advantages to help with the successful completion of the “in-class” requirement for an electrician apprentice certification. Please contact a Program Consultant to discuss in greater detail, toll-free at 1-888-553-5333.

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