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Unless you’re an electrician or have experience working with or around voltages, the term “negative voltage” may be a confusing one to parse. After all, voltage is typically used to describe an electromotive force; the addition of the term “negative” therefore implies that the force is less than zero. How is that even possible?
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To some, a circuit is just an amorphous electrical term the meaning of which is not clearly known. Unassuming as they may sound, circuits make much of the technology that we use, and the technology used to make the products we consume, possible. It therefore begs the question - if circuits, parallel circuits in particular, are so widely used, why don’t more people know what they are and how they work?
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Without parallel circuits, our homes and electronic devices wouldn’t be able to function the way we require them to function. Parallel circuits keep the lights on in our homes and ensure that different appliances continue to work, even if other appliances are turned off. Parallel circuits are the standard circuits found in home electrical wiring and offer distinct advantages over other circuits.
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To many, global communication is something that is often taken for granted; and like many of the technologies that help to shape our world, there is a considerable gap between passing knowledge of the technology and how it actually works.
This article aims to shed some light on how resonant circuits work and how they have shaped the ways in which information is shared and consumed all over the globe.
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This article is intended to illustrate the steps required for creating a Norton equivalent circuit. All the concepts mentioned here build on the prior knowledge of simplifying circuits.
According to Norton's theorem, any two-terminal circuit, made up of fixed value resistances, of voltage sources, and of current sources, can be replaced by a single current source in parallel with a single resistance which will produce the same effects at the terminals.
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Loop current analysis or mesh analysis is an analytical method to determine the current flowing at different points in a closed circuit. Kirchhoff’s voltage law and Ohm’s law are used to calculate the current flowing through each resistor and their corresponding voltage drops, when performing loop analysis in a circuit.
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Maybe you’ve heard of microprocessors before but want a refresher on what they’re all about. Or maybe you’re someone who is brand new to microprocessor programming and want a beginner’s overview. Either way, you’ve come to the right place.
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