University Pathways
Electronics Engineering Technician Diploma at George Brown College
Graduates of the Electronics Technician Certificate may apply credits earned in the program towards advanced standing in our Electronics Engineering Technician Diploma. Students need to complete an additional seven courses to earn their Electronics Engineering Technician diploma.
Of the seven courses that are required, three are from the communication area and four from our general education area. These courses can be completed through George Brown College night school or distance education courses.
Step 1:
Enter and complete the GBC Electronics Technician Certificate Program.
Approximate time to complete the program is 8 months, part-time.
Total Certificate Cost $1,760
Step 2:
Complete an additional seven elective courses (general education and communication) to
complete your diploma.
Total Diploma Cost is approximately another $3,000
All courses are provided by distance education. Total cost is approximately $4760.
GBC Main Contact for ET Diploma:
Gary Au
Program Registration Support
George Brown College
[email protected]